
Thank you for your detailed response. Good grief, how many years will it take me to understand all of this stuff?!

If I take your code and paste it into my workbook, I get the following error in the Form:

Compile Error.JPG

Correct me if I'm wrong but, I think this has something to do with the
Option Explicit

The sample file you attached to your response however runs just fine.

If I comment out the
Option Explicit
statement in either or both the Form and the Module, I get this Runtime Error 424 error:

Runtime Error.JPG

I saw that your test worksheets all had
Option Explicit
in them so I added it to all of my other Procedures and Modules. This broke a lot of my other VBA and made no difference in the way your code ran within my workbook.

I am attaching my workbook for reference. There is quite a bit of code involved and I'm positive there are more elegant ways of doing things but I'm piecing it together from google searches, a VBA reference book, and help from the forums like this one. The attached file is my most current functional revision and has none of the changes I have attempted in my effort to create a global search function.

150903 QA-RF-1012 QMS Document Map.xlsm

Thanks again for your time and patience. It is truly appreciated.

~ Phil