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vLookup multiple values separated by ";" in single cell / return result in single cell

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Tunesmith vLookup multiple values... 09-04-2015, 12:49 PM
TMS Re: vLookup multiple values... 09-04-2015, 12:58 PM
daffodil11 Re: vLookup multiple values... 09-04-2015, 01:38 PM
Tunesmith Re: vLookup multiple values... 09-07-2015, 12:02 PM
  1. #1
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    vLookup multiple values separated by ";" in single cell / return result in single cell


    I have a workbook that contains a list of IDs in a single column, there can be multiple IDs in a single cell in which case they are separated by a semicolon.
    There's no real upper limit on how many IDs can be in a single cell (outside of Excel's 32,767 character limit I suppose) and there may be 100s of rows of IDs and some of them may just be single IDs per row.



    In a separate Excel Addin I have a table named ProductIDRef that lists the IDs and the Display Name associated with them

    Offer ID Display Name
    OFR.00001 Product 1
    OFR.00002 Product 2
    OFR.00003 Product 3

    I'm looking for a vLookup or Function to look up the IDs' Display Name and put the results in a column next to the ProductIdList like this:

    ProductIdList ProductNameList
    OFR.00001;OFR.00002;OFR.00003 Product 1;Product 2;Product 3
    OFR.00001 Product 1

    I've attached an example workbook where the table that normally sits in a separate addin is in Sheet2.

    To reference that table in the addin I normally use the following but this only works for cases where there is only one ID per row (e.g. in "A2").

    Range("B2").FormulaR1C1 = "=VLOOKUP(C[-1],AddinName.xlam!ProductIDRef[#Data],2,0)"
    Any ideas?

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    Last edited by Tunesmith; 09-07-2015 at 12:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru TMS's Avatar
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    Re: vLookup multiple values separated by ";" in single cell / return result in single cell

    Not looked at your workbook but you would use Split on each cell to create an array and loop through the elements of the array to return the relevant values. You can concatenate the entries and output them to the worksheet cell.

    Regards, TMS
    Trevor Shuttleworth - Retired Excel/VBA Consultant

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  3. #3
    Forum Expert daffodil11's Avatar
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    Re: vLookup multiple values separated by ";" in single cell / return result in single cell

    I made a function that can do this:

    Public Function ZLOOKUP(rngInput As Range, rngCompare As Range) As String
    Dim varStr
    Dim tmp         As String
    Dim it          As Variant
    Dim rngCompCell As Range
    For Each varStr In Split(rngInput, ";")
        For Each rngCompCell In rngCompare
            If rngCompCell = varStr Then
                If tmp = "" Then
                    tmp = rngCompCell.Offset(0, 1)
                    tmp = tmp & ";" & rngCompCell.Offset(0, 1)
                End If
            Exit For
            End If
    ZLOOKUP = tmp
    End Function
    And coincidentally, I built pretty much what TMS was talking about. Glad I was on the right track.

    Using this, I put B2:

    =ZLOOKUP(A2,ProductIDRef[Offer ID])
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  4. #4
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    Re: vLookup multiple values separated by ";" in single cell / return result in single cell

    That's perfect, thank you for the help both of you. I wasn't familiar with Split.

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