Dear vba experts,
I have a text file which I am attaching in this thread. It is a file which contains information for a certain Traffic Junction. The file contains several junctions. The header of the text file will have the following information:
8/3/2015 Baseline Synchro 8 Report
Page 0
Lanes, Volumes, Timings
1: 8/27/2015
8/3/2015 Baseline Synchro 8 Report
Page 0
Lanes, Volumes, Timings
2: 8/27/2015
I need to extract the numbers 1,2, etc... which represents the junction number, and since there is no string identifier i.e. Intersection number before the "1,2", I don't know how to search for them using InStr command. I am attaching the text file for a full picture of the text file.