If anyone needs help with the same issue -
Sub InsertPics()
On Error Resume Next
Dim Cell As Range, EmpID As String
Const Path As String = "E:\Deep Dave\Excel Sheets\Survey\Photographs\"
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each Cell In Range("Rng")
If Len(Cell.Value) = 4 Then
EmpID = Cell.Value + 0
ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(Path & EmpID & ".jpg").Select
With Selection
.Placement = xlMoveAndSize
.ShapeRange.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
.ShapeRange.Height = ActiveCell.Height
.ShapeRange.Width = ActiveCell.Width
.ShapeRange.Name = Cell.Value
End With
End If
Next Cell
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub