I have several reports, each with many pivot tables. Over time the reports evolve. Some things go away and other things are added. Because of this I wonder if I have pivot tables that were once used, but now are unused.
I have started doing a 'Find All' for the entire workbook searching for 'TabName!$column' (Tables!$B') which is how the GetPivotData function references the pivot tables. However, this is very time consuming. So I am looking for a vba solution.
Something like this...
For each pt in ws
if count of FindAll TabName!&column in wb =0 then
add to somelist
Next pt
msgbox somelist
I have no idea how to code the FindAll in vba
I am not even sure that is the best way to approach this problem
Also I am not sure that the 'add to some list' msgbox method is best
I really just want to identify unused pivot tables.
Thanks for any help.