I want a macro that:
1. Inserts a new sheet based on a template (not an empty sheet)
2. A box asking for the new sheet name I want to use, eg. ABCD
3. If the sheet name already is used, it should count the sheets, eg. ABCD(1), ABCD(2) and so on.
I have tried to combine information from several examples into this:
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Problem 1:
It seems like the template file must be in the Users\Appdata..... folder. Not possible with Network Access to J:\. Then it's not possible for multiple users to insert sheets based on the template. Any solution?
Maybe an empty template within this files that it copies, instead of adding a new from a separate file?
Problem 2:
If the sheet name ABCD is being used, it renames it to Sheet1(2), Sheet1(3) and so on, instead of ABCD(2). How to solve this?
Problem 3:
Not the biggest issue, but it doesn't refer to the correct sheet names in the message boxes.