I'm not quite sure where to begin, so thought I'd jot down what I am trying to do to see if anyone has any thoughts:
1. I have a workbook with a worksheet named Sheet1
2. I have VBA setup to change the background color of required cells to yellow ((i.e. Interior.ColorIndex = 6)
I would like to do the following before allowing a user to save the workbook:
1. Check the entire worksheet for to see if there are any cells with with the yellow background color that arenull
Maybe it'd look something like this?:
If Sheets("Sheet1").range("A:DD").Interior.ColorIndex = 6 And Sheets("Sheet1").range("A:DD").Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please ensure that you have filled " & Chr(10) & "out all empty yellow fields'.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Please fill empty fields"
End If
The reason I have selected "A:DD" is because those are the columns that could potentially contain cells with yellow backgrounds
Any help you can offer is appreciated!