Excel gods,
Once again I come in supplication with help on what appears to be a rather simple macro/procedure I want my workbook to perform.

I have a workbook with 6 hidden sheets (Sheet4, Sheet5, Sheet6, Sheet7, Sheet8, Sheet10).

I also have a Userform I created called UserForm1 userformimage.jpg

In the Main Sheet (Sheet3) I have several shapes (all Rectangles) that I will be attaching this required Macro too.

I want a macro that activates when the user clicks on the rectangle that does the following:

A) Pulls up the Userform1 (see image above)

B) if the User selects the first Command Button (CommandButton1 that has the label "Port Arrival Report"), a Message/question Box Pops up saying "Are you sure you want to create a Port Arrival Report(CommandButton1 label)? Y/N"
if the user selects "YES", then a copy of hidden Sheet4 is created and the name of the newly created copy of Sheet4 is named based on the values "Arrival", the value in cell AF21 in Sheet3 & the current date.
(e.g. if Cell AF21 has the value "Port5_Discharge" and the macro was run on the date June 20, 2015, then the name of the copied sheet would be "Arrival _Port5_Discharge_Jun20").

Note: if the new sheet created already has a sheet with the same name, in (B) above, then add an increasing number to the end of the name (e.g. the copied sheet would be "Arrival _Port5_Discharge_Jun20" or "Arrival _Port5_Discharge_Jun20(2)"..etc . Also please note that the value in AF21 is reference from another cell

C) Once the new sheet is created, a pop up saying " The "Port Arrival Report" "Name of new worksheet" has been created"

The hidden Sheet4 will remain hidden but the newly created worksheet will be visible.

Now I would love for the macro to carry out the exact same actions for the remaining 5 Command buttons in the Userform1;

i) CommandButton2 "Port Departure Report" will generate copy of hidden Sheet6. Worksheet name based on same rules as above with the name of the copied sheet would be "Depart _Port5_Discharge_Jun20").

ii) CommandButton3 "Port Progress Report" will generate copy of hidden Sheet5. Worksheet name based on same rules as above with the name of the copied sheet would be "Progress _Port5_Discharge_Jun20").

iii) CommandButton4 "Noon Report" will generate copy of hidden Sheet7. Worksheet name based on same rules as above with the name of the copied sheet would be "Noon _Port5_Discharge_Jun20").

iv) CommandButton5 "Port Evaluation" will generate copy of hidden Sheet8. Worksheet name based on same rules as above with the name of the copied sheet would be "PE _Port5_Discharge_Jun20").

v) CommandButton6 "Bunker Evaluation" will generate copy of hidden Sheet10. Worksheet name based on same rules as above with the name of the copied sheet would be "Bunker _Port5_Discharge_Jun20").

PLS note that the second Message/question Box Pops up saying "Are you sure you want to create a (CommandButton label name)? Y/N"

Thanks in advance so much for your help!!!