Hi Everyone,
I have a problem. I have a vb form with 36 checkboxes. Each checkbox caption is a reference to excel data heading (headers). In each heading there is numbers
associated with that heading. I want to calculate the numbers based on the checkboxes that a user will select.
Equipment Finishing (painting, scratches, damage, etc)
Equipment Alignment (doors, removable panels/covers, locks, section-to section, etc)
Equipment / Device Labels/Nameplates and Component Layout
Torque Marking
Component / Device Inspection (damage to parts, missing screws, etc)
Each Heading have separate numbers
chkbox1 is Equipment Finishing (painting, scratches, damage, etc) 0.5
chkbox2 is Equipment Alignment (doors, removable panels/covers, locks, section-to section, etc) 0.25
chkbox3 is Equipment / Device Labels/Nameplates and Component Layout 0.7
chkbox4 is Component / Device Inspection (damage to parts, missing screws, etc) 0.10
If the user selects chkbox2 and chkbox4 then I should get a Msgbox as "TOTAL = 0.35"
Please share the code how to do the same depending on checkbox selection. It will be appreciated if you share the whole code as I am new to VB.
Note : checkbox is reference to only and only heading and not with the values 0.7,0.25,0.5 . Depending on checkbox selection it will calculate the total. I only know that I can use array. But How ?