Truly, thanks for the speed of response. Its truly amazing to me. I am just now looking at what you sent but from a quick glance (and correct me if I am wrong), it seems I will need a userform for each rectangle I have, right?
The thing is I have about 55 of these and now I am worried about the volume of code (for easy management) as well as the size of the final file

I am thinking I would like to stick to just one rectangle, but instead of just reading from cell "AF21", the user is given a range to select a name from "AF21 to AF71"

So Basically after selecting the form we want to generate from the Userform, we include an step that gives the user a range (AF21:AF71) to select the port name they want

I think this will be easier &cleaner than having 55 userforms. I'll use just one rectangle and create all the sheets Needed.

I'll give the above solution a whirl in the meantime! you are a God-sent and sorry for all changes
