Hi here is what you need:
Option Explicit
Sub doubleLoop()
Dim c As Range, c2 As Range
Dim strFileName As String, Path As String
Dim strIncrFileName As String, strIncrWksName As String
Dim wks As Worksheet, wksTmp As Worksheet
Dim wkbTmp As Workbook
For Each c In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("YahBoh").Range("B1:D1") 'Loops through the files names increments
strIncrFileName = "Yadayada" + CStr(c) + "*" '* will work for any format
Path = "C:\Users\stagiaire\Desktop\Forums questions\" 'PLUG YOUR PATH HERE
strFileName = Dir(Path & strIncrFileName) 'Gets the file name
If strFileName <> vbNullString Then 'If a file has been found
For Each c2 In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("YahBoh").Range("A2:A4") 'Loops through the worksheets names increments
Set wkbTmp = Workbooks.Open(Path & strFileName, , True) 'Opens and sets the temporary workbook read-only
strIncrWksName = c2
Set wksTmp = wkbTmp.Worksheets(strIncrWksName)
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("YahBoh").Cells(c2.Row, c.Column) = wksTmp.Range("$D$1")
wkbTmp.Close False 'Closes the temporary workbook without saving
End If
End Sub
It works with the examples sheets you provided, you just have to replace the names, path and ranges accordingly to your needs.