Hi, I didnt open up your files, but i think i understand what your looking for.

this should help point you in the right direction if nothing else. ( there might be a little bit of additional data that you don't need. i tried to remove it all but i pulled this from one of my old codes.)

let me know if it works

Sub Transfer_data_from_Files()

Dim MyPath, MyFileName, MyFolderName
Dim PATHandFILE, FExist, MyCount, FCount, MySheet

' set path to folders

MyPath = "C:\Users\*your user name*\Desktop\Myfolder"     ' be sure to change the username and the folder where your files are (do not put the main one in same folder)

MyFileName = Dir(MyPath & "\")

'count files with in dir

Do While MyFileName <> ""
       MyCount = MyCount + 1
        MyFileName = Dir()

FCount = MyCount
MyCount = 0

'set first file name

MyFileName = Dir(MyPath & "\")

' loop throw each file copy the data

Do While MyFileName <> ""
   PATHandFILE = MyPath & MyFileName
    Workbooks.Open Filename:=PATHandFILE
   For MySheet = 1 To Workbooks(MyFileName).Sheets.Count
        MyRow = Sheet1.Range("A99999").End(xlUp).Row + 1
        Sheet1.Cells(MyRow, 1).Select
        Sheet1.Cells(MyRow, 1).PasteSpecial
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    MyCount = MyCount + 1
   MyFileName = Dir()


End Sub