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Insert Blank Rows and Copy Rows Above it with Data to These blank rows With Conditions

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  1. #1
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    Insert Blank Rows and Copy Rows Above it with Data to These blank rows With Conditions

    Hi, I wanted to insert blank rows below and copy and paste the rows above to those blank rows when certain conditions are met. For example when you see a value 112 in column E then insert a blank row below it and copy and paste that same row above containing the value 112 onto the blank row you just created and also when you see 159 in column E perform this function above. I started building this out but ran into issues. Can someone please take a look? I will much appreciate this. Thanks


    Sub pins()
    Dim z1, z3, z4 As Range
    Set z1 = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("E2:E15").End(xlDown)
    Do Until z1.Row = 1
    If z1.Value = "112" Then
    End If
    Set z1 = z1.Offset(-1)
    Dim z2 As Range
    Set z2 = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("E2:E15").End(xlDown)
    Do Until z2.Row = 1
    If z2.Value = "112" Then
    End If
    Set z2 = z2.Offset(-1)
    End Sub
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert Greg M's Avatar
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    Re: Insert Blank Rows and Copy Rows Above it with Data to These blank rows With Conditions

    Hi there,

    The fundamental problem occurs in the following line:

        Set z2 = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("E2:E15").End(xlDown)
    The equivalent line for z1 works because there are no blank cells in the range, but new rows will have been inserted before the above line of code is executed, and therefore z2 will refer to the cell immediately above the first newly-inserted row, rather than the last non-blank cell in the column.

    Try the following routine and see if it does what you want:

    Sub pins()
        Const sTEST_COLUMN  As String = "E"
        Const sTEST_VALUE   As String = "112"
        Const sSHEET_NAME   As String = "Sheet1"
        Const iSTART_ROW    As Integer = 2
        Dim rTestCell       As Range
        Dim rLastCell       As Range
        Dim wks             As Worksheet
        Set wks = Worksheets(sSHEET_NAME)
        Set rLastCell = wks.Range(sTEST_COLUMN & iSTART_ROW).End(xlDown)
        Set rTestCell = rLastCell
        Do Until rTestCell.Row = iSTART_ROW
            If rTestCell.Value = sTEST_VALUE Then
                rTestCell.EntireRow.Offset(1, 0).Insert
            End If
            Set rTestCell = rTestCell.Offset(-1, 0)
        Set rTestCell = rLastCell  '   The location of rLastCell is automatically updated as new rows are inserted
        Do Until rTestCell.Row = iSTART_ROW
            If rTestCell.Value = sTEST_VALUE Then
                wks.Paste Destination:=rTestCell.EntireRow.Offset(1, 0)
            End If
            Set rTestCell = rTestCell.Offset(-1, 0)
    End Sub

    Defining the various parameters as Const(ants) keeps them in a convenient location in case they ever need to be changed in response to changes in worksheet layout etc.

    Hope this helps - please let me know how you get on.


    Greg M

  3. #3
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    Re: Insert Blank Rows and Copy Rows Above it with Data to These blank rows With Conditions

    Thanks Greg M, I ran your code it's almost perfect to what I was looking for, but just few questions. If I have multiple values in column E like 112, 159, 687 etc, how will I list those constants to achieve the same goal you did with just 112? And also it seems that Const iSTART_ROW As Integer = 2 has to be changed to Const iSTART_ROW As Integer = 1 to execute for row 2 is this correct? Thanks again

  4. #4
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    Re: Insert Blank Rows and Copy Rows Above it with Data to These blank rows With Conditions

    Hi -

    Please try this one and let me know;
    Sub test()
    Dim lr%, i%
    With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = False
        .CutCopyMode = False
    End With
    lr = Cells(Rows.Count, 5).End(xlUp).Row + 1
    For i = lr To 5 Step -1
        If (Cells(i + 1, 5).Value <> "112" And Cells(i, 5).Value = "112") Or (Cells(i + 1, 5).Value <> "159" And Cells(i, 5).Value = "159") Then
            Rows(i + 1).Insert
        End If
    With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = True
        .CutCopyMode = True
    End With
    End Sub

  5. #5
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    Re: Insert Blank Rows and Copy Rows Above it with Data to These blank rows With Conditions

    Thanks event21, I ran your code and still digesting it. It seems when I have only few rows of data, it does not seem to work e.g. 4 rows of data. If I have many rows it works but only executes for the rest but not the first row of data in this case row 2 where the first value in column E is 112. I am still digesting your code though Lol.

  6. #6
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    Re: Insert Blank Rows and Copy Rows Above it with Data to These blank rows With Conditions

    Hi -

    on this line
    For i = lr To 5 Step -1
    the number 5 is the first row of data, like in your file the row data starts in row # 5 so if your row data starts in row 1 or row 2 then change this line appropriately


  7. #7
    Forum Expert Greg M's Avatar
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    Re: Insert Blank Rows and Copy Rows Above it with Data to These blank rows With Conditions

    Hi there,

    The following changes should do what you need:

    Sub pins()
        Const sTEST_COLUMN  As String = "E"
        Const sTEST_VALUE_1 As String = "112"
        Const sTEST_VALUE_2 As String = "@@@"
        Const sTEST_VALUE_3 As String = "###"
        Const sSHEET_NAME   As String = "Sheet1"
        Const iSTART_ROW    As Integer = 5
        Dim rTestCell       As Range
        Dim rLastCell       As Range
        Dim wks             As Worksheet
        Set wks = Worksheets(sSHEET_NAME)
        Set rLastCell = wks.Range(sTEST_COLUMN & iSTART_ROW).End(xlDown)
        Set rTestCell = rLastCell
        Do While rTestCell.Row >= iSTART_ROW
            If rTestCell.Value = sTEST_VALUE_1 Or _
               rTestCell.Value = sTEST_VALUE_2 Or _
               rTestCell.Value = sTEST_VALUE_3 Then
                   rTestCell.EntireRow.Offset(1, 0).Insert
            End If
    '       Specify the cell above unless the current cell is at the top of the worksheet
            If rTestCell.Row > 1 Then
                  Set rTestCell = rTestCell.Offset(-1, 0)
            Else: Exit Do
            End If
        Set rTestCell = rLastCell  '   The location of rLastCell is automatically updated as new rows are inserted
        Do While rTestCell.Row >= iSTART_ROW
            If rTestCell.Value = sTEST_VALUE_1 Or _
               rTestCell.Value = sTEST_VALUE_2 Or _
               rTestCell.Value = sTEST_VALUE_3 Then
                wks.Paste Destination:=rTestCell.EntireRow.Offset(1, 0)
            End If
    '       Specify the cell above unless the current cell is at the top of the worksheet
            If rTestCell.Row > 1 Then
                  Set rTestCell = rTestCell.Offset(-1, 0)
            Else: Exit Do
            End If
    End Sub

    Well done for noticing that the first row wasn't tested in the previous version of my code!

    iSTART_ROW is the number of the row from which testing should begin - I think that 5 is probably the correct value for your worksheet.

    These lines are included as a general "safety net", but are probably not required in this instance.

    Hope this helps - as before, please let me know how you get on.


    Greg M

  8. #8
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    Re: Insert Blank Rows and Copy Rows Above it with Data to These blank rows With Conditions

    Thank you Greg, I will run this and It looks like I might mark this thread resolved soon.

  9. #9
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    Re: Insert Blank Rows and Copy Rows Above it with Data to These blank rows With Conditions


    Sub pato225()
    Dim i As Long
    For i = Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(3).row To 2 Step -1
        Select Case Cells(i, "E").Value
            Case Is = 112, 159, 687
        End Select
    Next i
    End Sub

  10. #10
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    Re: Insert Blank Rows and Copy Rows Above it with Data to These blank rows With Conditions

    I would have done it like John. its quick , clean and simple
    I may not have use the copy function. I probably would have use

    rows(i+1).value = rows(i).value

    this way I can avoid the paste function, and i find it runs a bit quicker then copy past.

  11. #11
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    Re: Insert Blank Rows and Copy Rows Above it with Data to These blank rows With Conditions

    Hi Steve7913/John, thank you for the comments I will ran the codes. This only gives me more options and a good learning experience of all the different ways of VBA programming.

  12. #12
    Forum Expert Greg M's Avatar
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    Re: Insert Blank Rows and Copy Rows Above it with Data to These blank rows With Conditions

    Thanks, Pato - please continue to keep me informed.

    Best regards,

    Greg M

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