Hello all -

I am working on a Multipage Userform that populates several report's that are accessed via a Dashboard. Here is my quandary:

When the end user logs a new incoming submittal, the submittal number needs to auto generate, based on the option selected from the combo box. I have worked at this problem for 3 days now and still can not get it to work. These are the 'players':

projnum is named range on Worksheet "DASH"
subpull is a named range on Worksheet "SubmittalLog"
cboDCode is a combo box that selects disciplines
cboSubType is a combo box that selects either "RFI" or "Submittal"
txtSubNum is the text box that should be auto populated with the generated number.
cmdSubGen is the command button that is clicked to generate the number.

I need for the number generated to be formatted as such - projnum - cboDCode - cboSubType - 000generatednumber

I have code written to locate and find the next available row to populate this number along with other information on this page of the user form. I have ran it with out the number and it works perfect. Now I need it to run with the number included.

I am unable to upload spreadsheets or code due to the companies confidentiality rules.

Thank you for any help you can provide.