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Class to control multiple option buttons affecting differenet textboxes

  1. #1
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    Class to control multiple option buttons affecting differenet textboxes

    Hi there! I've created a userform with 26 option buttons, half of which are "yes" buttons and the other half "no". Of the "no" buttons, some run the following sub (below is a general sub; in reality, there are 10 subs, each with the corresponding numbers in place of # and @):

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    Where # is the option button's index (4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 16, 20, 22, 24, or 26) and @ is the corresponding textbox's index (2, 3, 9, 10, 17, 16, 23, 24, 30, or 31). The idea is, when you select one of these "no" option buttons, the corresponding textbox is displayed. (Conversely, when "yes" is selected, the textbox is hidden.)

    Currently, I have one sub for each option button. I want to make a class that will replace the 10 userform subs that are currently being used. I've played around with classes, but I'm having trouble telling the function in the class which textbox the option button affects (for example, OptionButton4 affects TextBox2). I was able to follow this example quite easily:


    ...but I don't know how the include the textbox in what I want to do.

    Any help is much appreciated!

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: Class to control multiple option buttons affecting differenet textboxes

    Hello cpietka,

    Welcome to the Forum!

    I really need to see what code you have written so far. The best option is to post a copy of your workbook.

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  3. #3
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    Re: Class to control multiple option buttons affecting different textboxes

    Hello! Thank you for the quick response. A little bit of a heads up, I have little experience in programming, and have been learning VBA over the past couple of weeks, so the code isn’t particularly glamorous. Also, my apologies for the excessive amount of commenting; I’m making this form for someone with even less experience in VBA than myself who will likely have to make changes within the next year, and so has asked me to comment everything.

    There is more to the actual workbook that what I’ve attached but it’s just more userforms (I’m only having trouble with this one, as the others are pretty simple). There are 26 option button subs, and I’m trying to compress this somehow to make it easier to maintain. They don’t all do the same thing, but I’m thinking I could group them by what they do. Option buttons 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 16, 20, 22, 24, and 26, for example, all do the same thing but with different textboxes. I’ve done a bit of Googling, and it looks like I can do this with a class module… I’ve taken a Java course, but I haven’t made a useful class in VBA yet. I attempted writing a class module, but the outcome was a bit embarrassing, so I haven’t included it. :P
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  4. #4
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: Class to control multiple option buttons affecting differenet textboxes

    Hello cpietka,

    Thanks for posting the workbook.I only count 24 Option Buttons on the UserForm. I think you are counting by the assigned name index. You have deleted a few from this workbook.

    Can you provide me with more details about these groups and which buttons should be in which group? Tell me which page they are on Disinfectant, Dechlorination, or Coagulant.

  5. #5
    Forum Expert mikerickson's Avatar
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    Re: Class to control multiple option buttons affecting differenet textboxes

    I think that this will help you.

    In the attached, there is a class, clsLinkedControl.
    A clsLinkedControl object has properties:
    .BooleanControl - either a checkbox or an option button
    .HideWhenFalse - a collection of controls. The Visible property of each of these controls will be set to False, whenever .BooleanControl is False
    .HideWhenTrue - a collection of controls. Their .Visible will be false when .BooleanControl.Value = True
    .ShowWhenFalse - a collection whose .Visible will be True when .BooleanControl.Value = False
    .ShowWhenTrue - a collection whose .Visible will be True when .BooleanControl.Value = True

    There are methods .AddHideWhenFalse, .AddHideWhenTrue, .AddShowWhenFalse, .AddShowWhenTrue that add controls to these collections

    There is also a class to hold them, clsLinkedControls

    clsLinkedControls has an .Add function. The first (required) argument of .Add is the .BooleanControl of the clsLinkedControl that is being added.

    This code (in the Userform_Intialize) will show TextBox1 and TextBox2 when CheckBox1 is True and hide them when it is false. But TextBox3's visibility will be the inverse of CheckBox1. Textbox1 and TextBox2 are said to match CheckBox1, TextBox3 is said to invert CheckBox1
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    .Add will accept other (optional) arguments
    .Add(BooleanControl, (optional)list of matching controls, (optional boolean) inverse flag, (optional) list of inverting controls)

    The above code could be replaced by

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    All of your OptionButton and CheckBox event code has been replaced by this block in the Userform_Initilaize event
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    ...How to Cross-post politely...
    ..Wrap code by selecting the code and clicking the # or read this. Thank you.

  6. #6
    Forum Expert mikerickson's Avatar
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    Re: Class to control multiple option buttons affecting differenet textboxes

    I've changed clsLinkedControl and clsLinkedControls to make it more versatile and more intuitive.

    clsLinkedControl.BooleanControl can now be any control, not just an OptionButton or CheckBox.
    BooleanControl is deemed to be True if its value equals the .TrueValue property of the clsLinkedControl object.
    Although currently written for only CheckBoxes, OptionButtons and ComboBoxes, adding a new kind of control is pretty transparent.
    There are two new properties, .ClearWhenTrue and .ClearWhenFalse. Both are collections of controls whose values will be set to vbNullString when the BooleanControl is True (or False). The methods .AddClearWhenFalse and .AddClearWhenTrue have also been added.
    In addition, there are methods .FollowBooleanControl and .InvertBooleanControl. Passing a user form's control as an argument for these methods will cause the control's visibility to either follow or invert the value of the BooleanControl.

    I've changed the confusing syntax for the clsLinkedControls .Add method.
    It now requires a msforms.Control object for the BooleanControl
    The second argument, TrueValue, is optional and defaults to True.

    This will make is so TextBox1 and TextBox2 are visible if, and only if, OptionButton1 is checked. TextBox3 will be visible iif OptionButton1 is unchecked.
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    This will make it so TextBox5 is visible iff ComboBox1.Value = "cat". Also, whenever ComboBox1.Value is changed to "cat", TextBox7 will be cleared
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    Here is the code for the new clsLinkedControl
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    and the new clsLinkedControls
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    Now I need to go to the OP's workbook and alter the Initialize event. And include the ComboBoxes.

  7. #7
    Forum Expert mikerickson's Avatar
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    Re: Class to control multiple option buttons affecting differenet textboxes

    OK, I've incorporated this into the user form.

    Your using the Intialize event as a reset routine required that I move the class set-up into the Activate event.
    I also had issues with setting up clsLinkedControl objects for the ComboBoxes.

    Initially, I planned to use one clsLinkedControl object per combo box
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    But clearing the combo box would trigger the BooleanControl_Change event. So I had to use two clsLinkedControl objects, with different .TrueValue's and only use the ...WhenTrue collections. Preserving the "If ComboBox1.Value = vbNullString Then do nothing"
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    Here's the whole Active Event.
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    I think this version of the custom classes is more intuitive and easier to edit.
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  8. #8
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    Re: Class to control multiple option buttons affecting differenet textboxes

    Hello mikerickson,

    Thank you very much for your help, I really appreciate it! This is still a bit more complicated than I had in mind, but I'm beginning to think that maybe what I had in mind isn't possible. I've found a few code snippets online written in VB that are closer to what I'm trying to achieve, such as:

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    Which I found here: http://www.vb-helper.com/howto_net_s...t_handler.html

    Basically, what I was hoping to find is a way of replacing my repetitive option button event handlers with a single event handler. However, I think I will stick with what you have provided. Thanks again!

  9. #9
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    Re: Class to control multiple option buttons affecting differenet textboxes

    Hello Leith Ross,

    I still count 26 option buttons: 10 on the "Disinfectant" page; 6 on the "Dechlorination" page; and 10 on the "Coagulant" page.

    There are five different "types" of event handlers which handle the option buttons. For instance, options buttons 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 19, 21, 23, and 25 have event handlers like this one:

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    ...but where the textbox index differs for each option button.

    Similarly, option buttons 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 16, 20, 22, 24, and 26 have event handlers like this one:

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    ...again, where the textbox index differs for each option button.

    I'm looking to replace the individual event handlers with a single event handler, to make it easier to maintain the code should, for instance, a new tank be added to "Dechlorination".

  10. #10
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    Re: Class to control multiple option buttons affecting different textboxes

    Hi everyone,

    This might make my problem more clear. Attached is a simpler userform. It has 12 option buttons. Buttons 1 through 6 have a code similar to:

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    And buttons 7 through 12 have a code similar to:

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    Currently, each option button has its own even handler. Is there any way to compress this so that there is one for buttons 1 through 6, and one for buttons 7 through 12?

    Thank you for any input.
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  11. #11
    Forum Guru Kyle123's Avatar
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    Re: Class to control multiple option buttons affecting differenet textboxes

    Only the way Rick has demonstrated. The code you found is VB.Net which is completely different to VBA, you can't do that in VBA

  12. #12
    Forum Expert mikerickson's Avatar
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    Re: Class to control multiple option buttons affecting differenet textboxes

    I'm taking another look at your situation.
    Rather than focusing on code for every OptionButton, what I'm seeing is that you have frames.
    Some frames enclose one text box.
    Others enclose two textboxes and an option button pair that toggles one of the textboxes between user entered value and a default.
    Others enclose four textboxes and an option button pair.

    These three kinds of frames, and their controls, could be cast as custom Controls.

    Similarly you have two kinds of choosers. One kind is an option button pair, the other kind is a combobox. That's two more custom Controls.

    These custom Controls can be grouped together One controller decides which of the custom multi-textboxs to show. Those groupings can be made into other custom controls.

    I need some time to develop this, but I hope the result is more transparent than the global "control every option button" style I used above.

  13. #13
    Forum Expert mikerickson's Avatar
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    Re: Class to control multiple option buttons affecting differenet textboxes

    I looked at your reduced user form in post #10.
    Could I suggest a slightly different interface rather than two option buttons.

    Two option buttons working together are functionally the same as a check box. Either one of the buttons is on or the other. Either the CheckBox is clicked or its not.
    Two option buttons = One check box.

    So I'd suggest using one CheckBox with one TextBox. (The .Caption of the CheckBox could be "Use previous from yesterday")

    I'd also suggest that you calculate all of these yesterday values in the initialize event and put them in the respective .Tag properties of the TextBox (or the CheckBox)

    That would reduce the code for each entry to

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    Note that, after the .Tag was set to yesterday's value in the Initialize event, you don't have to test anything when reading the "Previous" value. Its whatever is in TextBox1.Text

    The machinery of setting up a custom class to do this and assigning each check box to its text box is not worth the effort IMO.

    I'll be working on componentizing the OP user form so you can add tanks easily.

  14. #14
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    Re: Class to control multiple option buttons affecting differenet textboxes

    Hi mikerickson,

    I'm liking you last suggestion, with the checkboxes in place of the option buttons. The idea really is to simplify the userform and it's code, so if classes aren't the way to do this, I'm definitely open to other possibilities.


  15. #15
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    Re: Class to control multiple option buttons affecting differenet textboxes

    Hi cpietka,

    I apologize for being late to the party. I took a slightly different class approach (see the attached file), that leaves your design almost intact. I prefer your original approach with the OptionButtons, because I think the User may be less confused by OptionButtons. My OptionButton approach is easily changed to CheckBoxes.

    What I did (using your code from post #10):
    a. Created an OptionButton class named 'ClassOptionButton'.
    b. Call Sub GenerateUtilitiesUserFormOptionButtonControlArray() from UserForm_Initialize to assign OptionButtons to an 'OptionButtonGroup' whose events will be handled by the Class.
    c. Each time an 'OptionButton' in the 'OptionButtonGroup' is clicked, the Class Click Event Handler is triggered. I prefer to keep code out of the Class module, and Sub ProcessOptionButtongroupClickEvent() in ordinary Code module ModUtilitiesUserForm does the heavy lifting.
    d. Using CONDITIONAL COMPILATION, I removed the OptionButton1 thru OptionButton12 Click Event Code in the UserForm module, because those events are now handled by the Class module.
    e. I added a debugging label 'LabelStatus' to the UserForm to display a message each time an OptionButton is clicked.

    Class module ClassOptionButton code:
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    UserForm Code excerpts (changes in red):
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    Ordinary Module Code (e.g. Module ModUtilitiesUserForm):
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  16. #16
    Forum Expert mikerickson's Avatar
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    Re: Class to control multiple option buttons affecting differenet textboxes

    Its been a while, but I have been wrestling with the Creeping Feature Creature on this one.

    In the attached, a clsDefaultButton object is a TextBox and a Controller.
    The Controller is either a CheckBox, an OptionButton or a ToggleButton.
    When the Controller is checked, the TextBox is filled with the .DefaultValue, when not, the TextBox will accept user entry from the keyboard.

    A clsDefaultBox is instansized with code like
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    When CheckBox1 is clicked (so that Controller.Value = DefaultBox1.UseDefaultWhen) the .DefaultValue (today's date) is put in TextBox1.

    clsDefaultBox objects have a Change event.
    DefaultBox1.Reset will reset the Controller and TextBox to the .ResetControllerValue and the .ResetTextBoxValue

    These are the properties of a clsDefaultBox
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    In the attached, Userform1 there is a multi-page.
    On page 1, there is a CheckBox style clsDefaultBox, DefaultBox1, and a Reset button, which resets DefaultBox1
    The DefaultBox1_Change event puts the DefaultBox1.Value into a Label.

    There is also a Monitor that allows you to change the properties of that clsDefaultBox (similar to the Properties window in the VBEditor)

    Page2 has an OptionButton style clsDefaultBox and Page3 has a ToggleButton style.

    Userform2 goes with Sheet2 and is an implementation from post #6(?)

    As I've said, I've been struggling with the Creeping Feature Creature.
    Features that one might add:
    -Validation, the clsDefaultBox might restrict user entry to numeric or integer entry from the keyboard.

    -.UnDefaultTextValue - as written when the Controller is changed from UseDefaultWhen, the default value remains in the TextBox (the user can edit it). One could code a .UnDefaultTextValue property that specified some other string to fill the TextBox in that situation.

    - a ToggleButton style clsDefaultBox could be made to toggle the ToggleButton's .Caption between the clsDefault object's .Caption and .Caption2 properties.
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