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Feeding multiple columns from one sheet into another while combining totals based 2 column

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  1. #1
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    Feeding multiple columns from one sheet into another while combining totals based 2 column

    Ok, so I am a total amateur with Excel and I'm quite surprised that I've gotten as far as I have so far. Basically, I've created a time sheet that allows me to breakdown our employees tasks and the time allotted to each task. The tasks are in a drop down menu to be selected from. However, each task is also related to a specific project, which is also in a drop-down menu. Each task is alotted a percentage of time (i.e. 30%). Then that percentage is multiplied times the total cost per day to allocate the price/task of that day for that employee. So .30 x $261.40 = $78.42 for Selective Demolition (Task) for 1328 Republic (Project) for that particular day. Then I need to total all of the amounts on another sheet, since a task might be repeated for the same project multiple times. I'll need it to show the total spent on "selective demolition" for that week. I just want it to auto populate in another sheet so that I don't have to waste my time do the numbers manually. Trying to streamline some processes with this file.

    Screen Shot 2015-07-22 at 10.16.17 AM.png

    employee time sheets.xlsx

    I attached a screenshot of the current sheet. Please help!
    Last edited by BabyBair0708; 07-22-2015 at 12:18 PM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Feeding multiple columns from one sheet into another while combining totals based 2 co

    You might want to post a sample of your worksheet without sensitive data in it. It's much easier for someone to work on an existing sheet rather than spend time building VBA code on a blank sheet and trying to transfer it to your workbook.

  3. #3
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    Re: Feeding multiple columns from one sheet into another while combining totals based 2 co

    Thanks, I attached the worksheet to the first post! Any help is appreciated. THANKS!!!

  4. #4
    Forum Expert skywriter's Avatar
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    Re: Feeding multiple columns from one sheet into another while combining totals based 2 co

    Quote Originally Posted by BabyBair0708 View Post
    Thanks, I attached the worksheet to the first post! Any help is appreciated. THANKS!!!
    I think you should create an output sheet and manually enter some data based on your sheet1 so that we can see what you want. It sounds like something that can be done with formulas.
    Click the * Add Reputation button in the lower left hand corner of this post to say thanks.

    Don't forget to mark this thread SOLVED by going to the "Thread Tools" drop down list above your first post and choosing solved.

  5. #5
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    Re: Feeding multiple columns from one sheet into another while combining totals based 2 co

    Ok I have attached an updated version of the spreadsheet to this message. There is a sheet called "Category Totals" - which is where I want the output to feed.

    Basically I need to add the totals spent in a category based on project. So selective demo for 1328 republic would need to add up and selective demo for 1535 republic would have to add up.

    I'm just lost at this point. Thanks!!

    employee time sheets.xlsx

  6. #6
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    Re: Feeding multiple columns from one sheet into another while combining totals based 2 co

    This should work for you.

    Btw, A bit of Excel advice:

    You should try and stay away from using "Merge cells" they may look pretty but eventually they will create havoc later when you are adding formulas.

    Use 'Format 'Format Cells ' 'Alignment 'Center Across Cells instead, or just put the formula in the middle cell, (much easier to cut & paste)

    Use a Data sheet to keep small items that are going to be used within formulas, it's easier to find the 'Data' you need if it's all
    in one sheet.

    But, You did great for an amateur, seriously.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by BlindAlley; 07-22-2015 at 06:21 PM.

  7. #7
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    Re: Feeding multiple columns from one sheet into another while combining totals based 2 co

    Thanks! I think this solved the problem! I appreciate the help

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