I need to set dates for about 1,000 tennis matches each year. For each date I currently type into the spreadsheet many checks are performed and it comes back with 1 in Col B for a problem or a zero if date is OK while Conditional formatting tells me what the problem is. This takes me a LONG time....

So in simple terms I have a Match Date in Col A and Col B shows 1 if Match is Date is not suitable and Zero when it is OK. So I need a macro that increments the Match Date in Col A between Start Date and End Date while Col B = 1 then when Col B = Zero it moves onto the next line and repeats until all rows have a suitable date. For this example Col B can be Zero when Match Date = Target Date. The result here should all rows set to target Date but if I can see how this works then I can adapt it into my work.

In the real sheet col B is the result of various checks to see if date is suitable so shows a zero for a good date and 1 for a bad date.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Fixed cells; Start Date = 7/4/15 End Date = 08/08/15 Target Date = 05/06/15

Col A - Match Date Col B - Date NOT good = 1