I have a variable that I need to increment. There are 4 of them, and I need to use them one at a time. I want to loop them, as well, so I can eliminate some lines of code. It works right now, but I am wondering if I can do this easier. Plus, if I need to do this again, I want to have a good reference.
The code right now looks like this:
dim Counter =1
do until Counter = 5
Value1 = txt1
call SubTest Value1
Counter = Counter +1
So, can I use the counter as the number for the "txt" and have that increment properly when I loop, like this:
dim Counter =1
do until Counter = 5
Value1 = "txt & Counter"
call SubTest Value1
Counter = Counter +1
Or am I giving myself a never-ending headache?
Thanks ahead of time!