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Macro to check bingo wins

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    Macro to check bingo wins

    I am trying to expedite the process of checking bingo numbers output from a random string against a pre-made bingo card. The way this system works is I have one file with all of the random number strings associated with the name of the person each string was output for. I then have to copy and paste each string into a separate worksheet and run a macro to check and see if the person won a bingo. I was wondering if there was any way to expedite this process. For example, if I could just run a single macro to check all strings associated with a name that generated a new spreadsheet (or even a text file) detailing who won and how close the losers were. Also, I am currently experiencing an issue where the bingo checker is unclear as to where the matches have occurred (for example, the output will say "someone matched 4 on row 9 with 58," when there is no row 9).

    In the Bingo Numbers workbook, I have included the bingo score card and the ways someone can win. The other workbook is the bingo checker with the macro I have been using, I have been copying and pasting in names and the individual strings then hitting run.

    Here is the code:
        Public results_msg As String
        Public y As Integer
        Public FNLN As String
     Public LD_name As String
     Public bingo_scores As String
     Public UserName As String
     Public bscore_array(5) As Integer
     Public test_string As String
     Public bingo_Values(5) As String
     Public player_name As String
     Public found_count As String
     Public bingo_lane As Integer
     Sub read_player_data()
      ' number to read
         players_to_process = ActiveCell.Value
    Dim myfile As String
        myfile = "C:\Users\xj3000\Desktop\score_output" & Format(Now(), "yyyymmdd hhmmss") & ".txt"
        Open myfile For Output As #1
        Dim a As Integer
    For a = 2 To players_to_process + 1
         results_msg = ""
        Range("A" & a).Select
         player_name = ActiveCell.Value
        Range("b" & a).Select
        test_string = ActiveCell.Value
    '    MsgBox player_name & "   " & test_string & " step " & a
        Call control_test_loop
    '  MsgBox "a = " & a
    If results_msg = "" Then
      results_msg = "Nothing to report"
      End If
      Range("c" & a).Select
          ActiveCell.Value = results_msg
    Next a
       Close #1
     End Sub
     Sub control_test_loop()
     ' test_string = "**1**14**29**21**63**61**55**72**23**54**65**61**19**50**11**44**6**64**60**51**69**12**33**31**11**67**57**38**19**58**13**7**65**20**68"
    ' test_string = "**3**12**11**2**6**61**55**72**23**54**65**61**19**50**11**44**6**64**60**51**69**12**33**31**11**67**57**38**19**58**13**7**65**20**68"
     For y = 1 To 12
     ' compare the test string with each of the 11 possible bingo runs
        If y = 1 Then
    bingo_lane = 1
    found_count = 0
            bingo_Values(1) = 3
    bingo_Values(2) = 23
    bingo_Values(3) = 44
    bingo_Values(4) = 55
    bingo_Values(5) = 70
          Call test_bingo_results
    ' Write #1, "found count = " & " for bingo_lane " & bingo_lane & "    " & found_count
                End If
    If y = 2 Then
    bingo_lane = 2
    found_count = 0
             bingo_Values(1) = 12
    bingo_Values(2) = 28
    bingo_Values(3) = 40
    bingo_Values(4) = 50
    bingo_Values(5) = 64
          Call test_bingo_results
    ' Write #1, "found count = " & " for bingo_lane " & bingo_lane & "    " & found_count
          End If
          If y = 3 Then
          bingo_lane = 3
     found_count = 0
             bingo_Values(1) = 11
    bingo_Values(2) = 18
    ' bingo_values(3) =
    found_count = found_count + 1
    bingo_Values(4) = 57
    bingo_Values(5) = 75
          Call test_bingo_results
    ' Write #1, "found count = " & " for bingo_lane " & bingo_lane & "    " & found_count
          End If
         If y = 4 Then
    bingo_lane = 4
    found_count = 0
             bingo_Values(1) = 2
    bingo_Values(2) = 25
    bingo_Values(3) = 35
    bingo_Values(4) = 47
    bingo_Values(5) = 69
          Call test_bingo_results
    '  Write #1, "found count = " & " for bingo_lane " & bingo_lane & "    " & found_count
          End If
          If y = 5 Then
    bingo_lane = 5
    found_count = 0
             bingo_Values(1) = 6
    bingo_Values(2) = 24
    bingo_Values(3) = 37
    bingo_Values(4) = 58
    bingo_Values(5) = 74
          Call test_bingo_results
    ' Write #1, "found count = " & " for bingo_lane " & bingo_lane & "    " & found_count
          End If
          If y = 6 Then
    bingo_lane = 6
    found_count = 0
             bingo_Values(1) = 3
    bingo_Values(2) = 12
    bingo_Values(3) = 11
    bingo_Values(4) = 2
    bingo_Values(5) = 6
          Call test_bingo_results
    ' Write #1, "found count = " & " for bingo_lane " & bingo_lane & "    " & found_count
          End If
          If y = 7 Then
    bingo_lane = 7
    found_count = 0
             bingo_Values(1) = 23
    bingo_Values(2) = 28
    bingo_Values(3) = 18
    bingo_Values(4) = 25
    bingo_Values(5) = 24
          Call test_bingo_results
    ' Write #1, "found count = " & " for bingo_lane " & bingo_lane & "    " & found_count
          End If
          If y = 8 Then
    bingo_lane = 8
    found_count = 0
             bingo_Values(1) = 44
    bingo_Values(2) = 40
    found_count = 1
    bingo_Values(4) = 35
    bingo_Values(5) = 37
          Call test_bingo_results
    ' Write #1, "found count = " & " for bingo_lane " & bingo_lane & "    " & found_count
          End If
          If y = 9 Then
    bingo_lane = 9
    found_count = 0
             bingo_Values(1) = 55
    bingo_Values(2) = 50
    bingo_Values(3) = 57
    bingo_Values(4) = 47
    bingo_Values(5) = 58
          Call test_bingo_results
    ' Write #1, "found count = " & " for bingo_lane " & bingo_lane & "    " & found_count
          End If
          If y = 10 Then
    bingo_lane = 10
    found_count = 0
             bingo_Values(1) = 70
    bingo_Values(2) = 64
    bingo_Values(3) = 75
    bingo_Values(4) = 69
    bingo_Values(5) = 74
          Call test_bingo_results
    ' Write #1, "found count = " & " for bingo_lane " & bingo_lane & "    " & found_count
          End If
          If y = 11 Then
    bingo_lane = 11
    found_count = 0
             bingo_Values(1) = 3
    bingo_Values(2) = 28
    found_count = 1
    bingo_Values(4) = 47
    bingo_Values(5) = 74
          Call test_bingo_results
    ' Write #1, "found count = " & " for bingo_lane " & bingo_lane & "    " & found_count
          End If
          If y = 12 Then
    bingo_lane = 12
    found_count = 0
             bingo_Values(1) = 70
    bingo_Values(2) = 50
    found_count = 1
    bingo_Values(4) = 25
    bingo_Values(5) = 6
          Call test_bingo_results
    ' Write #1, "found count = " & " for bingo_lane " & bingo_lane & "    " & found_count
          End If
          Next y
     End Sub
     Sub test_bingo_results()
     Dim x As Integer
     Dim found_pos As Integer
     ' found_count = 0
     For x = 1 To 5
       Dim test_value As String
       test_value = "*" & bingo_Values(x) & "*"
    found_pos = 0
     found_pos = InStr(1, test_string, test_value)
    ' Write #1, test_value & "  position = " & found_pos
     If found_pos > 0 Then
        found_count = found_count + 1
     If found_count = 4 Then
     Write #1, player_name & " matched " & found_count & " on row " & bingo_lane & " with " & bingo_Values(x)
      results_msg = player_name & " matched " & found_count & " on row " & bingo_lane & " with " & bingo_Values(x)
        End If
        If found_count = 5 Then
        MsgBox "OMG   BINGO for " & player_name & " on row " & bingo_lane
       results_msg = results_msg & " , " & "OMG   BINGO for " & player_name & " on row " & bingo_lane
       Write #1, "OMG   BINGO for " & player_name & " on row " & bingo_lane
        Write #1, test_string
     '   Exit Sub
        End If
        End If
    ' MsgBox "found count = " & found_count & "  bingo values " & bingo_values(x)
     Next x
     ' MsgBox "in test_bingo_results"
     End Sub
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