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Personal.XLSB macro pasting into Personal.XLSB

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    Personal.XLSB macro pasting into Personal.XLSB

    I have a worksheet that I need to perform some copy and paste operations on when it's opened, which I do with a macro in PERSONAL.XLSB. It's a really long and messy macro, but the critical part of it is this, as far as I can tell:

    Range("A" & somevariable).select
    wb.worksheets ("sheet1").select
    Range("A" & anothervariable).select
    Which is for some reason pasting into PERSONAL.XLSB. I tried getting rid of the "Sheet1" in PERSONAL.XLSB but that just caused an error. Is there a better way of pointing Excel at the spreadsheet I want?
    Last edited by davepoth; 07-11-2015 at 07:40 PM.

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