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Copy a sheet from xlsm to a new workbook result "module not find" error

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  1. #1
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    Copy a sheet from xlsm to a new workbook result "module not find" error


    Like the title said how to solve this problem?
    Current I am using Excel 2013, and I have this problem even when I do the copy manually.

    I really need help as I searched the internet for a long time with no result and this problem is really hindering my work!

    Much thanks!

  2. #2
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    Re: Copy a sheet from xlsm to a new workbook result "module not find" error


    It is hard to tell what is causing the problem without seeing the workbook. But the "module not found" error suggests that the sheet contains references to a macro or other function (as it is from a macro enabled workbook). To eliminate this you either need to copy the macro/vba or just copy and paste values and then copy the source formatting. This will remove any links to a macro or other function.


  3. #3
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    Re: Copy a sheet from xlsm to a new workbook result "module not find" error


    Thanks Adam, but it does not solve my problem.

    Basically even when I do a simple macro recording to a workbook and save them as xlsm, I can't have one of it sheet copy to a new workbook.
    Only copy and value of the sheet doesn't work in my situation because the file I am trying to copy is a invoice contain header and other and other setting (which can be copy in new book if the original workbook does not have macro).

    I really need a method to by pass this "module not find" problem, it seem that xlsm from other create can allow copy of a sheet to a new workbook without such error occur, pls help!

  4. #4
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    Re: Copy a sheet from xlsm to a new workbook result "module not find" error

    Ok, the "module not found" error is caused by a missing macro.

    Now here is a macro/vba code which will copy a sheet and paste it into a new workbook:

    Sub copysheet()
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    End Sub
    Just change the first "Sheet1" to the sheet name that you are copying - this should by pass the module not found error

    If you just need values and no formulas or formatting change xlPasteAll to xlPasteValues



  5. #5
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    Re: Copy a sheet from xlsm to a new workbook result "module not find" error


    I am sorry not being clear.

    I must copy the sheet to a new workbook.
    (similar to right click sheet name "move or copy", since I have header and cell format which I want to keep, as it going to print out as invoice)

    Also the the new workbook do not need to keep any macro.

    Only copy the value does not solve the problem.

    Again thanks for the help.

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