I am new to VBA with some experience in writing formulas in Excel. I need to wrote code to count occurrences of text that are associated with an ID number, sum the types of text (i.e, under a column header of Blue write 4 if 'blue' is used four times, etc), and then repeat the process for the next ID number. The tabulated data of text data would be pasted into the same row as the corresponding ID number (but obviously in a different column). The issues I'm having are starting and stopping the counting - starting at first cell in row A that contains a number, counting the number of rows to next number (& subtracting one so that first text of next number is not counted), and then starting next count at the next number . The code I have for counting the text is: =COUNTIF($G3:$G14,"Blue"), where in this example data begins in cell G3 and ends in cell G14. How can I automate this for a very long list of ID numbers? I've tried to paste in a picture of a type of data I'm trying to work with - just imagine it continuing for several hundred ID numbers. There are intervening pieces of data in columns that I am not analyzing now but I don't want to loose that data either (in this example, hire date, eval start and stop dates, etc). I think that what I want to accomplish needs to be done using VBA, but I'm open to any suggestions. Thanks a bunch for the help.
