How CMTSv5.xlsm works: <ACTUAL SYSTEM>
1, The sheets <TAC> <CT> <SMT> < BAP> <GBaie> gets its data from a web table <external source>
2. The sheet <Summary> then gets the required from the above sheets.
3. Then the data gets copied from summary to LOG
4. The data from LOG sheet gets copied to a Alog sheet
the availability sheet needs to get the data from the Alog and calculate same based on below condition
IF coloum A [CMTS] value = "Name" and Its respective Sectors= 1 to 4 = OK means there is no downtime
When for example coloum A [Trou au cerfs] and ColoumB Sector 4= not ok then calculate dowmtime based on avaliblity sheet.
please help!
Attachment 404121Sub CopyToCSV.docx
Looking forward to hear from you
Best regards,