Hey guys.

I've been trying to find a way of copying data from specific cells in one worksheet (named 'Workflow') to another worksheet (named 'Active Projects') if a condition is met. I tried to use a formula inside the cells where the data would be pasted into. The array formula was placed in the 'Active Projects' worksheet range from A24 through to D74 (the actuall one cell that contained the formula was A24). The array formula was:
Formula: copy to clipboard
{=IF(Workflow!$R3:$R53="O", Workflow!$A3:$D53, "")}

However, it left me with two problems:
1. Entries in cells in 'Active Projects' sheet sets the ranges for a chart, ending in chart having many gaps due to presence of formula in cells;
2. The range of the chart is limited to the cells that contain the formula and meets its IF logical test condition, hence whatever falls off both ranges does't appear in the chart;

So I thought that maybe a VBA code would easily do the trick and solve both these problems in one go?

Attachment 403719

I'd appreciate if any of you guys could help me with that.