Hi guys. Thanks for your replies.
skywriter good to hear from you again. 
I guess I misunderstood what JBeaucaire first said. That was autofilTer not autofiLer. Sorry. 
So I spent the last couple of days trying to figure out how to copy and paste data from 'Workflow' sheet to 'Active Projects' sheet using OFFSET. Since I wasn't very successfull in understanding a thing about this function
, I kind of kept the previous formula but stretched the IF condition:
As you guys said an autofilter would do the trick, I expanded the chart's data source selection from A24:D74 to A24:D500. Then, I filtered the column A leaving blank cells out. BAM! Looks very good now. Chart is limited to 477 rows maximum but I do not intend to run such a hidious amount of projects at the same time anyway!
The only thing is that I have to hit Ctrl+Alt+L in both 'Workflow' and 'Active Projects' sheets in order to sort all data and update the chart. Is there a (simple) way for autofilter to automatically update the sorting as data is pasted into the cells in 'Active Projects' sheet?
Cheers mates!