Hi Guys and thanks in advance for any info shared,
I have a person's name in cell D50 in Sheet 1 in excel and I want to reference this with a table in Sheet 2 to receive the mail of the person, in column D. I have about 100 names. I know this can be done with vlookup but then I also want to have the corresponding e-mail copied to the clipboard so I can paste it manually in outlook. I am trying to run this code but it gives error 13.
Dim obj As New DataObject
Dim txt As String
'Put some text inside a string variable
txt = Evaluate("=VLOOKUP(D50,Sheet3!A1:B100,2,0)")
'Make object's text equal above string variable
obj.SetText txt
'Place DataObject's text into the Clipboard
End Sub
Any help will be much appreciated!