I have a maintenance task sheet based on hours in one column and days in another.
Each row contains the task followed by the hours and days due in their respective columns.

Some task are based on both hours and days due.
Some task are based on only hours due.
Some task are based on only days due.

I wish to change the font color of the TASK title in each row depending on the hours and days remaining. i.e.

If the Hours OR Days Due where less than or equal to 20 and 7 respectively color RED
If both Hours AND Days Due where more than 20 and 7 respectively color GREEN.
The color of the TASK based only on Hours or Days must NOT be affected by a Blank Cell

TASK Hours Due Days Due
Oil Change 20 7 RED
Filter Change 21 8 GREEN
Brake Check 100 6 RED
Water Level 5 RED
Air Pressure 35 GREEN

So far I have conditional formatted the first column as below:
=AND(B2>20, C2>7). for the GREEN
=OR(B2<=20, C2<=7). for the RED

but get stuck on the NOT(ISBLANK).
As soon as I have either the Hours or Days Due cell blank the TASK goes RED.

Your kind input is greatly appreciated.