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code to automatically convert cell text to comments

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  1. #1
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    code to automatically convert cell text to comments

    I would like a code to to covert a range of cells in a column to convert to comments. Also, when i update the text in a cell i would like it to change what is in the comment. I do not want the text to show up in the cell because i do not want it to change the size of the cell. If, however, you are able to develop the code to insert and update the text into a comment and allow the cell text to be visible without changing the size of the cell if there is too much content then that will be fine with me as well.

    thank you

  2. #2
    Forum Expert skywriter's Avatar
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    Re: code to automatically convert cell text to comments

    Try this.

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    'Works on A1:A10, change your cells to your desired range.
    If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
        If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A1:A10")) Is Nothing Then
        Application.EnableEvents = False
            Target.AddComment Target.Text
        Application.EnableEvents = True
        End If
    End Sub
    Right click on the tab you want this code to run on and choose view code, then paste in the code.
    The ranges are set for A1:A10, change this to suit your needs.

  3. #3
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    Post Re: code to automatically convert cell text to comments

    Quote Originally Posted by skywriter View Post
    try this.

    private sub worksheet_change(byval target as range)
    'works on a1:a10, change your cells to your desired range.
    If target.cells.count > 1 then exit sub
        if not intersect(target, range("a1:a10")) is nothing then
        application.enableevents = false
            target.addcomment target.text
        application.enableevents = true
        end if
    end sub
    right click on the tab you want this code to run on and choose view code, then paste in the code.
    The ranges are set for a1:a10, change this to suit your needs.
    how to paste this code in macro option and change the range to (s3:s35) why it is not working ???? Fix it please
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  4. #4
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    Re: code to automatically convert cell text to comments

    Unfortunately your post does not comply with Rule 2 of our Forum RULES. Do not post a question in the thread of another member -- start your own thread.

    If you feel an existing thread is particularly relevant to your need, provide a link to the other thread in your new thread.

    Old threads are often only monitored by the original participants. New threads not only open you up to all possible participants again, they typically get faster response, too.

    Don't quote whole posts -- it's just clutter.
    If you are responding to a post out of sequence, limit quoted content to a few relevant lines that makes clear to whom and what you are responding

    For normal conversational replies, try using the QUICK REPLY box below.

    You have 36 posts and you post a picture of the VBE and say fix it
    Ben Van Johnson

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