I was given a workbook with data that refers to a master data set. In B2 there is a place for user to enter the number of batches. B3 to B50 contain formulas that multiply B2 by a reference in a master data set. When it was written the formulas were written so they could be copied down. (ie =$B$2*'Sheet1'!A2) then this formula was copied down B50. Now we want to have multiple batches on one sheet and would like to change all the formulas from =$B$2*'Sheet1'!A2 to B2*'Sheet1'!$A$2, =$B$3*'Sheet1'!A3 to B2*'Sheet1'!$A$3, and so on. I could go through the cells and change with F4, but I need to do this in 50 workbooks. Can this be changed with VBA.
