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Macro to copy 1 tab and save as xlsx based on multiple cell values

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  1. #1
    Forum Contributor Webbers's Avatar
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    Macro to copy 1 tab and save as xlsx based on multiple cell values

    Okay, I have been fighting with this macro (and losing), I would appreciate any help that you can offer, and thanks in advance! Okay, I have this workbook, which is an xlsm file, that will be used by multiple users, all with their own copies of it, so I have tried to keep things as simple as possible. There are 2 tabs: "Macros" and "Audits". The Macros tab contains 3 macro buttons (one of which is for this one) and formulas. The second tab is Audits which contains the actual data, that is the tab I want to copy and save, as an xlsx file.

    I want the file to be saved to the same directory where this workbook is (which happens to be in cell K9). The file name from cell K14 along with the date (which shows in Cell C13 as a Concentration formula) to let the user know what the final file will be named. Now when I run the code shown below, I get a Run-time error '9' Subscript out of range.

    Cell Reference Label Data
    Cell K9 File Path C:\Special Projects\Daily reports
    Cell K10 Today's Date 6/19/2015
    Cell K12 Current File Name Audit Summary
    Cell K13 New File Name AM Audit Summary - Fox - 06-19-2015
    Cell K14 Requested File name AM Audit Summary - Team C

    Sub SaveAuditTab2()
        Dim FName           As String
        Dim FPath           As String
        ' Name of File & file form
        ' File will be saved in same location as Original summary macro
        FPath = Sheets("Macros").Range("K9").Value
        FName = Sheets("Macros").Range("K14").Value & Format(Date, "MM-DD-YYYY").Text & ".xlsx"
        ThisWorkbook.SaveCopyAs Filename:=FPath & "\" & FName
        ' Optional: close the new workbook
    End Sub
    ~*~ Sherry ~*~
    Poinciana, FL

  2. #2
    Forum Expert judgeh59's Avatar
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    Re: Macro to copy 1 tab and save as xlsx based on multiple cell values

    move the Worksheets("Audits").Copy after the FName line and before the SaveCopyAs line

    you are setting the variables after you copy and the that worksheet isn't there in that instance.

    Please consider adding a * if I helped

    Nothing drives me crazy - I'm always close enough to walk....

  3. #3
    Forum Expert judgeh59's Avatar
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    Re: Macro to copy 1 tab and save as xlsx based on multiple cell values

    Also change this

    FName = Sheets("Macros").Range("K14").Value & Format(Now(), "MM-DD-YYYY") & ".xlsx"

  4. #4
    Forum Contributor Webbers's Avatar
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    Re: Macro to copy 1 tab and save as xlsx based on multiple cell values


    First of all, cell K9, the file path is a formula. However I verified the path, and copied it into cell K8, then changed the cell reference in the macro to see if anything different would happen... same thing happened.

    No, I am not familiar with the "stepping through the code" process, and I greatly appreciate any guidance you can offer. If I did this set process correctly... the variables showed """ for both FPath and FName, however when I got to the SaveAs portion and moused over.... the path was listed (for FPath), and then when I moused over FName, it shows FName = "AM Audit Summary - Fox06-1-9-2015.xlsx". Now I can see those are both listing actual values, and aside from the fact that the file name needs to include a space, or actually " - " between the file name and where the date is added, it looks correct to me.

    6-19-2015 12-39-46 PM.png

  5. #5
    Forum Contributor Webbers's Avatar
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    Re: Macro to copy 1 tab and save as xlsx based on multiple cell values


    Thanks for responding. I made the modifications you requested, however once I run the macro, it copies the tab and then I am prompted with "Do you want to save the changes you made to 'Book 14'?". If I select Save it did open the prompt in the directory I wanted, but it is not naming and saving the file on it's own. Am I missing something? Did I modify the code correctly? below is my revised code... just in case.

    Sub SaveAuditTab2()
        Dim FName           As String
        Dim FPath           As String
        ' Name of File & file form
        ' File will be saved in same location as Original summary macro
        FPath = Sheets("Macros").Range("K9").Value
        FName = Sheets("Macros").Range("K14").Value & Format(Now(), "MM-DD-YYYY") & ".xlsx"
        ThisWorkbook.SaveCopyAs Filename:=FPath & "\" & FName
        ' Optional: close the new workbook
    End Sub

  6. #6
    Forum Expert judgeh59's Avatar
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    Re: Macro to copy 1 tab and save as xlsx based on multiple cell values

    when I plug your code in to my XL it works fine....

    so a few thing may be happening...

    are the path structures correct in Cell K9, because if it isn't then it will open a Save As dialog box...

    also, have you tried stepping through the code to make sure all the variables are being assigned the way you think they should be?

    let me know if you have never "stepped" through the code....

    also, using the local windows will allow you to look at the variables while stepping through the code...

    If you already know how to do these thing please forgive me for being too verbose....

  7. #7
    Forum Expert judgeh59's Avatar
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    Re: Macro to copy 1 tab and save as xlsx based on multiple cell values

    sounds like you might be doing it anyway, but basically it's pressed F8. By doing this it executes the highlighted line. While in the VB editor click in in View in the ribbon and click on Locals Window. It does the same as mouseover but you can examine without actually doing to the mouse over....

    Is it possible to upload a file with any company confidential stuff removed?

  8. #8
    Forum Contributor Webbers's Avatar
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    Re: Macro to copy 1 tab and save as xlsx based on multiple cell values


    yes, exactly... I douible checked and triple checked.

  9. #9
    Forum Contributor Webbers's Avatar
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    Re: Macro to copy 1 tab and save as xlsx based on multiple cell values


    okay, I did like you said, and the path shows correct... and aside from that lack of needed " - " before the date, the file name is correct, however this same issue continues to happen.

    6-19-2015 1-07-28 PM.png

  10. #10
    Forum Expert judgeh59's Avatar
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    Re: Macro to copy 1 tab and save as xlsx based on multiple cell values

    and the path is exactly like that....case sensitive?

  11. #11
    Forum Expert judgeh59's Avatar
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    Re: Macro to copy 1 tab and save as xlsx based on multiple cell values

    I'm back to 2 things....upload a file so I can test it....

    and the other is, do you have write permissions on that file structure?

  12. #12
    Forum Contributor Webbers's Avatar
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    Re: Macro to copy 1 tab and save as xlsx based on multiple cell values


    Wanna say thanks for all your help on this. Over the weekend I was thinking about this, and I decided to approach my issue from a different direct... and OMG... it worked! I decided that since there are only 2 tabs, instead of trying to copy the one I need, since I require a filename from cell references, that I would simply save a copy of the whole workbook, then delete the tab I did not need... and it is actually easier! Not to mention I was able to resolve it all on my own. This is what I use, in case it can help anyone else... and thanks again!
    Sub SaveAuditTab()
    Dim FileName As String
    Dim Path As String
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        'Directory is the same as where the workbook with the macro is stored
        FileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & Range("K13").Value & ".xlsx" 'Change extension here
        '  Change the format here which matches with the extention above.
        '  Choose from the following link http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff198017.aspx
        ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Path & FileName, xlOpenXMLWorkbook
        '  Delete Specific Tab, Save & Close Workbook
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        On Error Resume Next
        ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
        ' Optional: close the new workbook
    End Sub

  13. #13
    Forum Expert judgeh59's Avatar
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    Re: Macro to copy 1 tab and save as xlsx based on multiple cell values

    always fun to fix your own problem....well thanks for the rep point and have a great day....

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