Hey guys,

New job.. Lots of excels to work on and I want to use macros to simplify my life.. I'm a Php & Java programmer and VBA gets me frustrated for being too basic.

I want to use a double conditional. A Select Case within an if statement. however it seems VBA doesn't see the scope of what I am trying to do and simply ends the if before starting the Select Case.

here is a general overview

If Cells(x, 1).Value = "" Then total = total + Cells(x, 9).Value Else _

        Select Case step

            Case 1
                Cells(9, 13).Value = total

            Case 2
                Cells(12, 13).Value = total
            Case 3
                Cells(15, 13).Value = total

            Case 4
                Cells(18, 13).Value = total
            Case Else
                Cells(21, 13).Value = total

        End Select
        total = 0
        step = step + 1
        End If
In PHP or JAVA the {} would compensate for this issue but since VB doesn't allow them... I have tried to look online and other than making a 20 condition long if, I have found no solutions to what should be a simple poblem.

I'm sure this is simple so if there is an other thread, feel free to throw me straight to it.

Thanks everyone