Hello! I'm attempting to edit a macro for an employee order form and am fairly unfamiliar with VBA.. I wrote this initial code and have been struggling to edit it since..

I need to send the file to 2 recipients and can't figure out how. CC would also be appropriate. I would also like to add high importance but have been unable.

The code is as follows...

Sub ExecSubmitFile()
' ExecSubmitFile Macro

If Range("r1") = "" Then
MsgBox ("The name field cannot be blank. Please complete the top of the order form.")


If Range("s2") = "" Then
MsgBox ("The Location field cannot be blank. Please complete the top of the order form.")


If Range("r3") = "" Then
MsgBox ("The Department field cannot be blank. Please complete the top of the order form.")


Dim wb1 As Workbook

Dim address, Name, Loc

address = Range("l3").Hyperlinks(1).address
address = Mid(address, 8)
Name = Range("r1").Value
Loc = Range("s2").Value

Set wb1 = ActiveWorkbook

wb1.SendMail address, "EXECUTIVE Order - " & Name & " " & Loc, True

On Error Resume Next

With OutMail
.OriginatorDeliveryReportRequested = True
.ReadReceiptRequested = False

End With
On Error GoTo 0

With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.EnableEvents = True
End With
End If
End If
End If
End Sub