I'm using Excel 2003 and need to compare 2 worksheets to one another to find the errors in our system. I've uploaded a small version of this to dropbox.
I actually need to do a few things to this sheet. Catalog is my master sheet, System is the one I need to find the errors in so...
In System sheet
Find Part #
If Part # is located, check values in B-F to make sure they are the same - if not, highlight the offending cell.
Then grab the price from column G and add it to column G in the Catalog sheet
If Part # is not located - highlight part number
Now I've tried some conditional formatting, I copied and pasted my list of part numbers into the same sheet and was able to accomplish the last portion of my goal (finding part #'s that are in the System but not the Catalog)
However when I attempted to branch that out and find mismatching descriptions (B-F) my brain exploded and I can't even really tell what I'm trying to do...it did something, but this is why I'm pretty sure this might require actual code. For this one I also put all my data into 1 sheet - I don't know how to tell excel to reference a different worksheet.
=ISERROR(MATCH($H12&I12&J12&K12&L12&M12, $A$2:$A$14&$B$2:$B$14&$C$2:$C$14&$D$2:$D$14&$E$2:$E$14&$F$2:$F$14,0))
Hopefully I've explained this in a way that makes sense, it's so hard to get my brain to wrap around it so I figured it was worth a shot asking here! I also included a 3rd sheet in the dropbox file with a manual version of what I'm after. Thanks so much!