Hi guys,

Hope you can help me out. I have a form with several textboxes and a combobox.

In sheet1(TWIN SUP), Combobox1 will show the list of names which is in column C. I have a named range(twin2names)

This will allow Combobox1 to show new entry.

What Im trying to do is that if I selected a name listed in combobox1 and click save the information that I have entered on the textboxes will be saved in sheet2(TWIN MAN) (This I have no problem). (This part im having trouble with) Once the information has already been saved in sheet2, the row where in the name selected in combobox should be deleted. I tried this code:

also tried this code:

Sheets("TWIN SUP").Range("twin2names").Cells(cboagent.ListIndex + 1, 1).EntireRow.Delete

whats happening is that the first row is being delete, the information is being saved in sheet2 then I am receiving an error Run-time error '1004': Method 'Range' of object'_Global' failed, noticed that using the 2nd and third codes the first row is being deleted. What im trying to do is if for example I have 20 names in column C and I selected the name in the said row, that entire row will be deleted.

Also, is there any other way to populate the names that I have in Column C so that it will show in combobox?

I hope somebody can help me out.

BTW: This might be against the rules but hope admins would consider. CROSS POST (http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-q...ml#post4183756)

Reason: No other reply received from group.

I hope somebody can helpp me out and ADMINs would consider.