Evening all,

I have a table in Access which currently has 34 fields with scope to amend, delete and add additionals as time goes on.

Im using ADO to pull the records from the database into Excel, do some stuff using forms and then update the record.

I can update using Execute and a straight forward SQL statement however this would be a large string considering the number of fields.

I can update using .Add on the recordset and although this would be neater and easier to amend, it still seems unwieldy.

When I pull the data its straight forward, I can simply SELECT * and then dump the results in the range starting at A1 which fills the sheet with all the necessary columns, if I add or delete a column in the table it doesnt affect this, it would simply output one less column everything else would still be in the same order etc.

What Im looking to do is therefore the reverse of that, have some code that cycles through the columns in the sheet and updating the relevant field in table (probably using the .Add method) ie whatever is in column 1 goes into field 1 of the table, col 2 to field 2 etc regardless of field names etc.

Is there an easy way to do this?