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VB to copy rows under different headers from multiple sheets to a master sheet.

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    VB to copy rows under different headers from multiple sheets to a master sheet.

    I need help in copying data from multiple sheets into one master sheet but the problem is that the data in one sheet is further divided into 4 sections.

    I have a workbook having 3 sheets
    1) May Forecast-Rel Team
    2)May Forecasr-RR team
    3) May forecast Build team

    Each of these sheets has 4 sections and each section has employees under it.

    2015 022838 Forecast with I&O Costs
    2015 External Forecast
    2015 ADMIN Forecast
    2015 022838 Forecast without I&O

    There is a 4th master sheet "May Forecast" that consolidates data from these 3 sheets.
    This has again same 4 sections as above.

    I want to write a macro that copies the employee data under each header and copy to master sheet under the same header.

    Note: A new employee can be added and deleted and the final sheet should reflect that too.
    Need to copy the format too!

    Please find the sheet in the attachment.
    inputs: sheets 2,3,4
    Expected output: sheet1 named "May Forecast " sheet!
    Attached Files Attached Files

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