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Alphanumeric Increment based on previous row value

  1. #1
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    Alphanumeric Increment based on previous row value

    Hi all, first post here, please be kind.

    I'm in the process of learning by trying to create a fairly simple solution for my dad, who's far from an IT pro.

    I have a sheet called customers, and on a separate sheet(Homepage) I have some buttons, one of them being 'Add Customer' and I have a vba macro for that, but it's not working 100%.

    The first column contains Customer ID in alphanumeric format, e.g. ABC123 and this is the unique reference for the row. It is only the numeric part of the string that will change, first 3 characters stay the same.

    I'm looking for my code to :

    1- Find next empty row
    2- Find last ID
    3- Create new Customer ID

    I've been reading all sorts of posts and watching tutorials etc, and I think I've just got myself in a muddle now. It has been slightly working but when I tried to tweak it to get it working perfectly, it all went a bit wrong. One of the strange things was that gave me MBL011 when there is already a MBL011 entry....... I have some data in the worksheet to work with, and some of that has been overwritten when I've been testing (god job I have a copy). I'm am quite happy with having to manipulate some data manually, especially to get the data back again (will be copy/paste).

    This is my code that I currently have.....I think the error is on the strNextID, hence why I've been trying different ways.
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: Alphanumeric Increment based on previous row value

    1) Read the number first by stripping off the MBL from the last code, then add 1, then add the MBL back on.
    2) I would use a "LastRow" (LR) technique that makes it much easier to read/edit the code as to where data is being written on the sheet.

    Like so:
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  3. #3
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    Re: Alphanumeric Increment based on previous row value

    Hiya, thanks for the response. I've given that a go but I'm getting a Type Mismatch error on the strNextID........ line. Any ideas?

  4. #4
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: Alphanumeric Increment based on previous row value

    If you want to post the workbook so I can test it directly, I'll be happy to check it out.

  5. #5
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    Re: Alphanumeric Increment based on previous row value

    Ok, thanks, think I've uploaded it correctly
    Attached Files Attached Files

  6. #6
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: Alphanumeric Increment based on previous row value

    Ok, my bad, forgot to check for a BLANK database..heh.

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    Also, on other tip, in the VBEditor click on the CLOSE FORM button and set the CANCEL=True in the properties. This way pressing ESC when the form is open will also close the form.

  7. #7
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    Re: Alphanumeric Increment based on previous row value

    Lovely, seems to be working like a treat. It does seem to enter the MBL number before the 'New Date Added succesfully' message and entering the inputted data, but I don't think that will be a problem, and I'm sure I could figure out how to sort it.

    Thanks again, I'll marked as solved, add rep, and another other questions I'll post new thread.


  8. #8
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: Alphanumeric Increment based on previous row value

    SORTing? Beware, nothing we've done takes into account the LAST row not being the highest ID number. If you sort by NAME for instance, and the last row has MBL002 as the ID in column A, the next time you add it will use MBL003. Watch out for sorting!

  9. #9
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    Re: Alphanumeric Increment based on previous row value

    I meant sort in terms of fixing the problem lol, sorry.

    I think the best course of action for me, for this little project, is to make a little bug list. For example, I can't get the next ID to show up on the message box. It's not crucial, but I'd obviously want to fix those little bits at a later date

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