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Auto fill "cell values against each "worksheet name" in Summary Sheet" to a cell location

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  1. #1
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    Auto fill "cell values against each "worksheet name" in Summary Sheet" to a cell location

    "I am working on multi worksheets and managed to have a summary sheet that contains the name of each worksheet in column B.
    Now i have another column F that contains specific values against all worksheets. I want these values to be auto filled on respective Worksheets in Cell location D3 of each worksheet.
    i am trying to find the solution but it seems only you can help me."

  2. #2
    Forum Guru Kaper's Avatar
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    Re: Auto fill "cell values against each "worksheet name" in Summary Sheet" to a cell locat

    Just guessing without sample workbook:

    sub test()
    dim cell as range
      for each cell in range("B1:B" & cells(rows.count, "B").end(xlup).row)
        cell.offset(0,1).value = sheets(cell.value).range("D3").value
      next cell
    end sub
    Best Regards,


  3. #3
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    Re: Auto fill "cell values against each "worksheet name" in Summary Sheet" to a cell locat

    Dear Kaper, thanks for response. please see attached sample sheet. I want values in "column E" should be copy automatically in "cell D3" of each respective worksheet which is listed in "Column B".

    image file.png

  4. #4
    Forum Guru Kaper's Avatar
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    Re: Auto fill "cell values against each "worksheet name" in Summary Sheet" to a cell locat

    so probably:

    sub test2()
    dim cell as range
      for each cell in range("B2:B" & cells(rows.count, "B").end(xlup).row) 'in B1 you have a header
        sheets(cell.value).range("D3").value = cell.offset(0,3).value  'offset 0,3 because column E is 3 columns right from B
      next cell
    end sub
    Note that the image you posted is frankly speaking: useless
    If it had column letters and row numbers would be a bit better (I'm not sure if the value is indeed in column E - you have shown 4 columns so rather A:D - if so use offset(0,2))
    But appropriate attachment for this forum is a workbook. Can contain dummy data but the structure and formatting shall be the same as real data.

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