Good morning,
I have real time data that is being imported to an excel document. When that data is recorded in cell A2 it then is copied to D2. A new data point will be recorded everyday and I want to have Column D increment by 1 every time a new data point is collected. Along with having it do that. I will need it not rewrite the previous data. So I will need it to locate the next empty cell in the column and record the data in that cell.
Day 1: A2=395; D2=395
Day 2: A2=386; D3=386
Day 3: A2=109; D4=109
And so on.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Below is the code I have up to now.
Private Sub stamp_DataReady()
On Error GoTo Data_Error
Dim DataVal() As String
Dim data As String
While Stamp.gotData = True
data = Stamp.GetData
If data <> "" Then
DataVal = Split(data, ",")
Select Case DataVal(0)
Case "CMD?"
Row = 1
Case "DATA"
cc = countChar(data, ",")
Row = 2
txtStatus2 = "Data Excepted" & (Row - 1)
If Row < 65000 Then
For x = 1 To cc Mod 27
Worksheets(1).Range(Chr(64 + x) & CStr(Row)).Value = ReplaceData(DataVal(x))
Range("D1").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial (xlPasteAll)
D = Columns(4).SpecialCells(11).D + 1
End If