Greetings to Excel Forum Team!
Please let me know if any one has a functional solution for below problem statement
Problem Statement: How to get file size from a given folder as input and categorize the files based on size and display them in sheet1
Is it possible to have function to get file size from a directory chosen
For example if I have selected directory as (c:\test\)
c:test directory / root folder contains following files
SZZ-DataSet-BIData1.dat File size: 20 MB
MQQ-DataSet-BIData2.dat File size: 5 MB
MQQ-DataSet-BIData3.dat File size: 0 KB
TIK-DataSet-BIData3.dat File size: 9 MB
TIK-DataSet-BIData3.dat File size: 300 MB
RWR-DataSet-BIData2.dat File size: 105 MB
PLM-DataSet-BIData1.dat File size: 1 KB
PLM-DataSet-BIData2.dat File size: 10 KB
please note, if there are any sub folders or directories with in the (c:\test\) the function should just ignore the sub folders or sub directories.
When we call above function, need to filter files based on condition like below with Function call back
Case FileSize GreaterThan 0 KB and LessThan 100MB
display this file name or file names and size in worksheet1 in two columns (File Name and File Size)
Case FileSize GreaterThan 100 MB
msgbox: RWR-DataSet-BIData2.dat & TIK-DataSet-BIData3.dat file size are greater than 100 MB.
Case FileSize Equal To 0 KB
msgbox: No data with 0 KB file/files
End Select
Appreciate any help with above need.
Thank you!