Hi all,
This worked fine in a sample but now that I am putting it into my actual working schedule I cant get it to work? The only difference is basically I have cells with calculations/formulas in them. Is there a way to make this so it works and skips the cells with formulas in "M and N"
Code is below, and I attached a sheet!
This code when wb_open auto adds today's date in "N" if a date is in "M". When I put a date in "M" it auto puts today's date (F6) into "N". And adds today, each time sheet is opened or changed till 100% complete in "G"
This workbook Code:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
call looping_till_EOP
End Sub
Sheet 1 Code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
if not intersect(target,range("M12:M"&rows.count)) is nothing then
call looping_till_EOP
end if
End Sub
In Normal Module:
sub looping_till_EOP()
Dim i As Long
With Sheets("Sheet1")
i = 12: Do Until .Range("B" & i) = "End of Project"
If .Range("G" & i) < 1 And .Range("M" & i) <> "" Then _
.Range("N" & i) = Range("F6")
i = i + 1: Loop
End With
end sub