Originally Posted by
Are you still having a problem with this? I tested it out again and I get values in the text file. Can you post a copy of your workbook without any sensitive data?
Thanks so much for your response.
I am not quite sure how to post a workbook on here 
But basically just as in your code all the values to be copied are in A4 through to A67.
Now the values in each cell is reading from other values above (e.g. A4= G4). Could this be affecting it?
The email works great but the txt file is still empty.
Also can I tried modifiying the Email code to include a particular SEND TO address and a particular SUBJECT LINE but that didn't seem to take for some reason. See below
On Error Resume Next
With OutMail
.To = "name@name.com"
.CC = ""
.BCC = ""
.Subject = "BUNKER EVALUATION" & Range("H152").Value
.Body = "See attached"
.Attachments.Add stFileLocation & "txt"
End With
Else: End If