I am having a problem that I don’t exactly understand. The user enters transaction data into a userform. This data is posted to table ‘A’ but IF Textbox1 contains something greater than 0.00 then specific data is also placed in table ‘B’. My problem is that even with Texbox1 is not changed from 0.00, entering this data to table ‘A’via cmdbutton also produces a blank row in table ‘B’

The offending code:.. I think

    If TxSave.Value > "0.00" Then

        table_object_row1.Range(1, 1) = DTPicker1.Value
        table_object_row1.Range(1, 2) = "*Cash To Savings"
        table_object_row1.Range(1, 3) = CDbl(TxSave)
        MsgBox "You have added £ " & TxSave & " to your UK Savings Account." & vbCrLf & vbLf & "The amount is posted to the total savings but not" & vbCrLf & "              allocated to any specific goal." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "To do that select the UK Savings Maintenance Window", _
        vbInformation, _
        "Savings Added"
     End If

As always your help is much appreciated
