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Populate Dates in Other Months Based on Jan Dates

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    Smile Populate Dates in Other Months Based on Jan Dates

    I'm trying to create a budget workbook, but I need help populating the Due Date fields on all the other budgets. Manual input takes too much time.
    What I would like is a macro attached to the command button on Jan budget, that when clicked, it looks at January Due Dates (that I input) and use those due dates to create due dates for expense on all the other months (with the appropriate month). So a bill due January 11, on February would be due February 11, and so on.

    In case where an expense is due 1/31/15, the code for Feb (and other months with less than 31 day) would revert the date back to last day of Feb. If month only have 30 days, it revert back to 30th.

    I have attached a workbook with budgets laid out.

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