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HELPHave read all related threads -- cannot figure out a chain of actions/VBA events

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    HELPHave read all related threads -- cannot figure out a chain of actions/VBA events

    Hi -- I know this has been covered, but I cannot get this to work on my PC.
    I am a beginner, so apologies for any rudimentary explanations.

    I have a newsfeed plug-in attached to an Excel Workbook called "GoodEvening". the plug-in auto-updates it with real-time metrics, but only upon the workbook (GoodEvening.xlsm) beign opened/refreshed.
    In GoodEvening.xlsm, I have a macro/vba that says the following -- if GoodEvening is idle for 3 min, it saves and closes it. 2 minutes is approx the amt. of time the workbook need to be updated by the plug-in.

    Const idleTime = 180 'seconds
    Dim Start
    Sub StartTimer()
    Start = Timer
    Do While Timer < Start + idleTime
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    ActiveWorkbook.Close True
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    End Sub
    1. Create a Task Schedule that opens GoodEvening at 6AM (EST)
    2. Enable Content automatically
    3. GoodEvening.xlsm connects through plug-in and updates
    4. After the update, if Cell B2, the column B (column name = Gophers) has ANY VALUE IN IT (pre-arranged formula I've set up in field F1), email me with the following message.
    "Good Morning, Josh. [value in cel A2] now has [value in cel B2] Gophers in it." My email address is []
    5. After 3 minutes of idle time, the macro saves and closes the workbook GoodEvening

    *this should all happen whether or not my PC is asleep
    **ideally, I'd love a log of the activity (i.e. whether or not an email has been sent, what time GoodEvening opened/saved/closed), any errors and why

    a. Aside from the StartTimer VBA (above), I cannot get my task scheduler to open the workbook 'GoodEvening'. It keeps showing an error.
    b. I cannot find an open_workbook macro that works. Admittedly, I don't understand how to construct one from scratch.
    c. While the current StartTimer macro works, it has locked my ability to edit the macro while workbook 'GoodEvening' is open.
    d. I cannot get an email VBa/macro to work at all

    I'm using Excel 2010, Windows 7.

    Any help or insight would be wildly appreciated. Oh, TOTALLY open to suggestions or improvements, too.
    Last edited by 6StringJazzer; 05-21-2015 at 11:57 AM. Reason: code tags

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