The code I have works great as separate procedures. I decided to combine the 2 procedures as the code is mostly the same with a few differences in which cells are copied to the array to save to different log sheets. Each Procedure has a Inputbox to get the year of interest (2014, 2015, 2016....) that will be used to open AND in the event the Log does not exist Save a new one from a master using the year code in the file name. Based on a cell value I am doing an If_Then_Else to determine to run one procedure or both. If I run them separately as individual procedures they work fine. When I combined them I decided to call one procedure (SaveToLog_Audit) from inside (SaveToLog_Replc). I removed the Date input from (SaveToLog_Audit) letting (SaveToLog_Replc) get that date code and pass it along. I don't want to have (SaveToLog_Audit) ask for a date a second time as it run since I basically want it to be inobtrusive (no need to ask twice when I can pass 'Ans' to it.
I have tried setting public Ans and used Explicit at the beginning with both procedures in same module --> didn't work. I tried Dim Ans As String after option Explicit --> Didn't work. I tried Public Ans as String --> didn't work. Pretty much I couldn't get it to pass the variable 'Ans" no matter what I tried. I'm still pretty new to coding VBA so any help would be great. Showing the basic code, only the parts that have issues. I apologize in advance if I didn't tag this correctly.
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