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GetObject not picking running excel files

  1. #1
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    Question GetObject not picking running excel files

    I am trying to get opened instances of excel application and operate between them.

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    I have 2 excel files in open and while running the code xlApp.Workbooks.Count always 0.
    But GetObject("", "Excel.Application").Application.Name returns Microsoft Excel and GetObject("", "Excel.Application").Application.hwnd returns a valid handle.

    Also I tried with Set xlApp = GetObject("", "XLMAIN") which throws error ActiveX can't create object
    Why it is not picking the running excel files and give count? Any ideas?

  2. #2
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    Re: GetObject not picking running excel files

    Hi scvel and congratulations on your first post.

    The files associated with Post #2 in the following thread may help you. http://www.excelforum.com/excel-prog...instances.html


  3. #3
    Forum Guru xladept's Avatar
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    Re: GetObject not picking running excel files


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  4. #4
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    Re: GetObject not picking running excel files

    Hi Orrin,

    I think you might have misread the question. I think the OP wants to access workbooks in different instances of Excel.


  5. #5
    Forum Guru xladept's Avatar
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    Re: GetObject not picking running excel files

    Hi Lewis,

    Yeah, I thought that I might be oversimplifying - but it looked like the book with the macro wasn't being excluded

  6. #6
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: GetObject not picking running excel files

    Hello scsvel,

    Welcome to the Forum!

    Sorry this to so long, but as you will see this is a simple question with a complex solution. To access another workbook in a separate instance of Excel requires using the Windows API to return a reference to the other workbook. Each instance of Excel runs in it's own separate process and by Windows law can not directly access the process of another object. With the API, it can be done indirectly.

    This code works on 32 bit Windows systems. If you are running exclusively a 64 bit Windows system, this code will fail. I have not written a 64 bit version yet.

    Copy all this code and paste it into a new VBA Module in your workbook. The macro finds all running Excel workbooks and returns information in a 1 based 2-D array about the Active Workbook in each Excel instance.

    Return Array Description
    xlInstances(m, n) - m is from 1 to 4, n is from 1 to the number of Excel instances

    m(1) = The Excel Workbook object
    m(2) = The Excel workbook Title
    m(3) = The window handle of the Excel application
    m(4) = The Process ID

    Module Macro Code
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