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Loop function to check and select data to be graphed

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    Loop function to check and select data to be graphed

    Hi all, I'm quite new to VBA so excuse me if I ask basics questions.

    I have a spreadsheet that have x number rows of data with Label in Column B A01, A02 and etc.
    I need to make separate graph based on the label

    What I want to do is to make a code to:
    1. Start with Row x, check if value in Bx=B (x+1) - Row to, so check B2=B3
    2. continue to go down row by row until it finds value in Bx<>B (x+1) - in this case it is B23<>B24
    3. Then i'd like to select column D, E, and N from the first row to the last row that has the same label value.

    ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=20
    ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Range( _

    4. once its done I'll create a graph

    ActiveChart.ApplyChartTemplate ( _
    "C:\Users\wgw76sy\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates\Charts\bauxite bin wear rate.crtx" _

    5. then I'd like loop the process for the whole worksheet.

    I'm sure there is a way to check instead of copy and paste code and changing the cell number one by one.
    could someone please help me?
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