Hello everyone,
Hoping someone can help me come up with something to fit my needs for a project I am working on.
Cliff notes:
-(Sheet1 C3:C11) existing template that generates config files that I simply fill in one customers info at a time right now, it spits out the proper config for that customer
-(Sheet2) Want to import multiple customers one after the other from a separate sheet in the workbook, each customer owns a column with 9 cells each.
I have an existing template/macro setup, we will call it (Sheet1) that has 9 cells that needs to be filled out, C3:C11. I need column data from a separate sheet in the same workbook(Sheet2), the data is arranged so that each "customer" is its own column, so for examples sake A1:A9 is a customer, B1:B9 is a customer etc on (Sheet2).
I need a macro and a combo of button(s) that can take one column at a time with a fixed range(9 cells) at a time from (Sheet2) copy it, and paste it into (Sheet1 C3:C11), I then need to be able to press the button again or another button and it takes the NEXT column from (Sheet2) and repeat the process by overwriting whats in (Sheet1 C3:C11) from the last paste. So essentially I press button it grabs A1:A9 from (Sheet2) pastes into C3:C11 on (Sheet1), when I'm ready for the next customer, I press it again and it grabs B1:B9 from (Sheet2) pastes into C3:C11 on (Sheet1), etc it would be nice if it knew to skip blank columns on (Sheet2) but not 100% needed.
Can someone assist? It would be very much appreciated, have over 250 customers to generate new configs for and this would speed this up tremendously. If you have any questions let me know I can reply quickly
I have attached a sample stripped down version of the template setup with some fake data here Config_Multi_Generator.xlsm