Hey all,
There may be a really easy solution to this that I'm just not seeing, but I am still fairly new to VBA so bare with me.
So I have a userform like so:
This coding was made with some help when I only had a one day date and page:
Set DateExists = Sheets("Schedule").Range("B:B").Find(what:=DateBox.Text, lookat:=xlWhole)
If Not DateExists Is Nothing Then
UpdateRow = DateExists.Row
OvernightAM.Value = Cells(UpdateRow, 3).Value 'These are the drop boxes
Breakfast.Value = Cells(UpdateRow, 4).Value
DayBox.Value = Cells(UpdateRow, 5).Value
Night.Value = Cells(UpdateRow, 6).Value
OvernightPM.Value = Cells(UpdateRow, 7).Value
OvernightAM.Value = ""
Breakfast.Value = ""
DayBox.Value = ""
Night.Value = ""
OvernightPM.Value = ""
This allows me to either be shown a name if it's already on the system, or i can create/edit it and I use the 'Okay' button to save it.
(I don't think that part of the coding is relevant, but I can send the whole thing if need be)
Now my question is how could I extend this to the other pages?